Our Service
We offer a one-stop shop to buy insurance for your daily personal use vehicles, business autos, and collector & classic vehicles.
What's the difference?
Most vehicles start to depreciate as they leave the dealerships, however, many collector or classic vehicles appreciate over time with age. It is also important to note that not all classic vehicles appreciate, many do continue to depreciate with age for many reasons. We have access to specialty insurers who will insure your classic and collectibles vehicles at values you would prefer.
Insurance for Classic Vehicle Owners
Your classic or collector vehicles may not be valued the same as the vehicles you use daily, We help you to;
Determine the classic value of your vehicle
Insured them at values you prefer and agree on.
Factors that can affect the premium rate and insurability of your classic or collector vehicle include:
the age of the vehicle,
the make and model,
the type of usage,
where it is stored when it is not in use,
the condition of the vehicle,
the previous owners (famous or celebrities, etc.), and
the location of the vehicle.
Insurance for Classic Vehicles Business Owners
We review your business risk profile with you and and arrange insurance solutions tailored to your particular business. If your business is a vehicle museum, a collectors car dealership, a restoration shop, or a storage facility. Get in touch, We'll help you navigate the insurance buying process.
Call (404) 480-0272 today.